Caring for and Healing the Earth

Tracker School Caretaker Classes

Nov 2001 Caretaker Class

Page 4 of 20

Tuesday October 30, 2001


Tom talked about what caretaking is and isn't. He covered the following points:

  • For Stalking Wolf, in general, "caretaker" was synonymous with "healer". 

  • He saw three elements to it: caretaker, healer, guardian.

  • The classic approach of our society is to apply a "bandaid" to problems.

  • Journaling is an important tool in caretaking.

  • We can do things NOT better, but FASTER than Nature, thereby avoiding a lot of pain and suffering on the part of Nature.

  • In caretaking, 90% of the tools that we use are spiritual

  • The physical aspect of caretaking is nevertheless of utmost importance. Study as much as you can.

  • Surrender is important as well. Only then will you know what the Earth/Nature wants you to do.

  • "Tree preaching"

The class was then sent outdoors. Each person was to select a personal "sacred caretaking area" for use during the week.

Then each person was to go off alone, separate from their "sacred caretaking area", and draw a detailed map of it.


Tom discussed the "Sacred Question":

  • What happened here?

  • What is this teaching me?

  • What can we do that needs to be done?

Necessary to the exploration of the "sacred question" in every case are the following:

  • awareness

  • observation

  • research

  • experimentation

Tom then sent the class back out to their "sacred caretaking areas" to complete the map started in the morning.

Later in the afternoon Tom taught a meditation that can be used to "ask" the Earth/Nature what needs to be done. People then went back to their "sacred caretaking area" to practice this meditation.


Students went back to their "sacred caretaking areas" and explored the non-physical aspects of the area, paying attention to the feelings and emotions that come.  These give an idea of the health or sickness of the area.


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